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The Chosen is a groundbreaking drama series that tells the story of Jesus Christ through the eyes of those who followed Him. Set in first-century Judea, it portrays the lives of Mary Magdalene (Elizabeth Tabish), Simon Peter (Shahar Isaac), Matthew (Paras Patel), and other disciples as they encounter Jesus (Jonathan Roumie) and are transformed by His teachings and miracles. The series brings a fresh perspective to familiar biblical events, offering a deeply personal and relatable view of the people who walked alongside Jesus.
Created, written, and directed by Dallas Jenkins, The Chosen is the first multi-season series about the life of Jesus and is funded entirely by viewers, becoming one of the largest crowdfunded projects in entertainment history. The series features a talented cast, including Jonathan Roumie as Jesus, Elizabeth Tabish as Mary Magdalene, Shahar Isaac as Simon Peter, and Paras Patel as Matthew. Tyler Thompson and Ryan Swanson co-wrote episodes with Jenkins, while the musical score by Matthew S. Nelson and Dan Haseltine enhances its emotional depth. Produced by Angel Studios, The Chosen stands out for its authentic storytelling, emotional resonance, and focus on humanity, making it an inspiring and heartfelt series for audiences of all backgrounds.
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