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T2 Trainspotting is an upcoming British drugs drama film written and directed by the acclaimed helmer Danny Boyle. A sequel to Trainspotting, set in the 90’s, the film will be continuation of the story of its prequel, set after 20 years. Mark Renton has come back after spending a lot of time away and dealing with his drug addiction and all of his friends are waiting for him there. He lived away from his friends and family and his hometown of Edinburg in Amsterdam in order to be reformed from the harrowing phase of drug addiction. He comes back to his hometown and decides to lead a civilized life and get married. His mother is dead by now and his father is living the life of a loner. Mark decides to say goodbye to all the old bad habits that threw him into the pit of regrets, but not for long. As the ghosts of past comes to him once again, he, Begbie, sick boy and Spud are all ready to take on new challenges while dealing with their drug problems.
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