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The Boss Baby is an upcoming animation comedy drama film based on the life of a teenage boy Tim and his baby brother. Tim has become a teenager and he is narrating the story to the audiences about how weird his relationship with his baby brother was. He carried briefcase and talked like a grownup. Both the boys constantly struggle to get the most attention from their parents and that induces a sense of bitterness in their interpersonal relationship. The little baby wins the affection of his parents with his cuteness for the most part but as they turn around, he starts acting bossy over his brother. But once the villain comes into their lives along with a dangerously evil plan which also involves Tim’s brother, it now is the time to team up against the bad guys. The brothers join hands. The film is loosely based on a picture book of the same name which is highly popular among the kids and adults alike. The film deals with the themes of love, brotherhood and family. Some leading stars have lent their voice to the characters such as Tobey McGuire, Alec Baldwin and Jimmy Kimmel.
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